How does the points system work?

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All of your recorded physical activity and your fundraising iscalculated into a points system. So no matter how you get active or raise money, it is all equalised to make it fair to all participants.



Points Earned


1 km



1 km



1 km






Many people choose to do the equivalent of a triathlon over the course of a month. If you choose these three activities at the Ironman distances your km’s and points accumulation would look like this:



Points Earned


42 km

42 x 8 = 336



180 x 3 = 540



How do I record my activity?

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Ensure you have a membership to Strava, Fitbit or Map My Fitness and are logged in while doing your activity.

You must also link your activity tracking app to your fundraising and activity profile.

Step 1: Log into your Heartbeats 4 HeartKids Dashboard and click the tab "My Activity"

Step 2: Click on your preferred activity tracker, Strava, Fitbit or Garmin

Step 3: Follow the prompts to authorise connection to the app.

When you start any activity: Walk, Ride, or Run in May, activate your app and your distance results automatically calculate into your profile on the website.

Don't worry if you forget, you can also manually add your activities within the My Activity section of the dashboard.

Here is a helpful video to see how to connect Strava. All other apps are similar in steps to follow. 

When does my fitness data and points upload to my profile?

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Conversion of your daily activity will occur once daily, usually overnight. If you forget to connect to your app at the time you do your run/walk/ride, you can log into your dashboard and enter your activity manually.

Remember, only activity done during the month of May will count in the competition. Any kilometres tracked between registration and 1 May will be deleted overnight on April 30.

I’m competing in a marathon, can I fundraise for this Challenge and have those kilometres count?

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Yes, absolutely! Challenging yourself to train and compete in a long distance event is a great way to motivate donors to support your cause. You can customise your profile page blog to talk about this particular event and garner support. All of your training kms count to your total too!

My kilometres and activity type are not showing up on the website?

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If you have successfully linked your fitness app such as Strava, there can be a delay of 24 hours before your activity shows up on the site. 

If it has been longer than this, it could be that your privacy settings for that app are too secure for our website to have permissions to link the data. We recommend you disconnect the app from your dashboard, go to your fitness app and update the security and privacy settings and then reconnect the app, esuring that all the boxes are ticked before authorising. 

If you are using a Garmin that syncs to Strava, this can add an extra delay as your activity must sync twice, first to Strava and them from Strava to the website. If you're concerned that data isn't syncing correctly, please lodge an enquiry at office@heartkids.org.au